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Prof. LEUNG Louis

BA, BSc, MA, PhD (University of Texas at Austin)
Former Associate Director

Research Interests: Impacts of New Media Technologies Media Effects, Information Processing LOUIS LEUNG is Professor of Journalism & Communication at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and was Assistant Professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. He currently serves as Director of Center for Communication Research and Founder of the MSc in New Media program. Dr. Leung teaches courses in new media, research methods, broadcasting, multimedia, and television production. His research interests focus on the uses and impact of new communication technologies. He is co-editor of Embedding into Our Lives: New Opportunities and Challenges of the Internet (HK: Chinese University Press, 2009) and Impact and Issues in New Media: Toward Intelligent Societies (NJ: Hampton Press, 2004). Some of his recent publications appear in Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, CyberPsychology & Behavior, New Media & Society, Social Indicator Research, Telecommunications Policy, Telematics and Informatics, Asian Journal of Communication, and Gazette. 梁永熾教授在美國德州大學奧斯汀分校取得傳播學哲學博士學位,現時是香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院教授,及該學院的新媒體理學碩士課程總監。同時,他更是民意調查的傳播研究中心的總監。他的教學範疇包括:最新傳播科技的趨勢和影響、研究方法、廣播及電視概論、多媒體設計及發展,以及電視製作等。梁教授致力研究新資訊科技的應用和影響,尤關注互聯網方面的研究。他是 Embedding into Our Lives: New Opportunities and Challenges of the Internet (HK: Chinese University Press, 2009) 和Impact and Issues in New Media: Toward Intelligent Societies (NJ: Hampton Press, 2004) 兩書的編輯之一。而梁教授的研究報告和文章曾於多份有關電信政策、廣播與電子媒體的學術刊物上發表。 Homepage: