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The 6th Intake - 2012 Entrepreneurship For Design & Creative Business


Details and Registration:


All successful businesses start with an entrepreneur. But it takes more than a creative mind and a brilliant idea to succeed in business. Starting from the success of the 2008 intake, Hong Kong Design Centre, in collaboration with Center for Entrepreneurship of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, is launching the 6th intake programme for “Entrepreneurship for Design & Creative Business”.

所有成功的企業皆始於一個企業家,但成功創業卻不止單靠無窮創意及精彩意念,更要有一系列的管理技巧。自2008課程獲得空前成功,香港設計中心一直與香港中文大學創業研究中心合辦「志在創業 – 設計與創意工業」,至今已舉辦至第六屆證書課程。


  • Programme Details:
    16 Jun – 8 Sep 2012, every other Saturday plus a visit to Pearl River Delta
    Time: 2pm – 5pm
    Venue: InnoCentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong 
    Language: Cantonese as teaching language with English and Chinese teaching materials


  • Programme Fee:
    Normal Rate: HK$5,800
    Early Bird Rate (register by 11 May): HK$4,000
    Friends of HKDC’s Rate: HK$4,000
    優惠價 (於5月11日前報名):HK$4,000
  • Who should attend:
    Locally trained designers and creative professionals with own businesses / planning to have own businesses are welcome. Entrepreneurial individuals who work for corporations / are interested in design and creative business opportunities in the Pearl River Delta region should also benefit from the programme. 
  • Programme Presenter:
    Mr. Bernard Suen, Project Director, CUHK Centre for Entrepreneurship
  • 7-Module Programme:
    Modules Dates Modules Description
    1 16/06/2012 The Current Landscape in HK Creative Industries Opportunities and challenges faced by Hong Kong designers and creative professionals
    2 30/06/2012 Creating and selling  a hot design approach Communicate your design philosophy and  process to the customers through consistent selling and customer services and presentation skills
    3 14/07/2012 Trust is the Name in the Marketing Game Attract and retain the RIGHT customers for your business
    4 28/07/2012 Business Model Design Design a business to captivate your customers
    5 11/08/2012 Right-sizing and Right-structuring Build your multidisciplinary project team with core staff and freelancers and grow it organically
    6 25/08/2012 Looking Behind the Numbers Use financial statements, ratios and budgets to manage the health and growth of the company
    7 08/09/2012 Building a Robust Business  Infrastructure Build a smart project management system to boost team productivity and obtain useful data for business diagnostics
    8 To be Confirmed Visit to Pearl River Delta Provide valuable insights into the current development in Pearl River Delta

    * Programme details subject to changes without prior notice

  • 模塊       日期 單元名稱 內容描述
    1               16/06/2012 當前香港創意產業之景觀             闡述香港設計師和創意業人士所面對的機遇和挑戰
    2 30/06/2012 締造及推銷嶄新的設計手法 如何用連貫的銷售服務及演譯技巧,向客戶傳達您的設計理念及過程
    3 14/07/2012 信譽為重的市場營銷 如何有效地開拓新的客源及留住現有客戶
    4 28/07/2012 營商模式設計 如何打造具吸引力的營商模式
    5 11/08/2012 訂立適切的團隊人數及架構 如何建立您的跨範疇團隊,確立核心和自由工作人員的人數,使團隊茁壯成長
    6 25/08/2012 業務數據精研 如何巧用財務報表、比率和預算,確保公司穩健發展
    7 08/09/2012 建立蓬勃的業務基礎設施 如何建立智能項目管理系統,以提昇團隊生產力和拮取實用的務分析數據
    8 待定 珠三角洲創意工業考察團 為你解讀珠江三角洲設計工業的最新發展狀況


  • Registration and Enquiry:

    Ms. Joey Fan, Hong Kong Design Centre
    Tel: (852) 3793 8407

    電話:(852) 3793 8407