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香港中文大學創業研究中心網絡研討會Webinar Series - 共生共創系列(一):有科技都要把握商機

      香港各行各業的市場均潛力無窮,只要你有技術,何不把握機遇,放手一搏?香港中文大學創業研究中心請來兩位共創生態圈的佼佼者,人稱「香港化學教父」鄺士山博士(Dr. K Kwong)和初創企業Spread-it的共同創辦人李穎茵(Winnie),分享他們在業界的實踐經驗,分別針對科技、策略、營銷、公共關係與風險管理等範疇分享寶貴意見,期望吸引更多的新創人才,一展所長。

MGNT6020W Selected Topics in Business – Social Entrepreneurship and Impact Investment (2017 Summer Cohort) - Nurturing Social Mind

What is the course about…

Combining the innovative mindset with the application of entrepreneurial principles, mission-driven ventures could bring social, environmental as well as economic benefits to the society.

CUHK MGNT 6020E Nurturing Social Minds - Closing Reception Dinner


MGNT6020 Selected Topics in Business – Social Entrepreneurship and Impact Investment

The course this year has come to an end.

Entrepreneurial Training Programme 創業教育培訓計劃

Jointly organized by CUHK The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business and Center for Entrepreneurship<


The Center's education program enhances and expands the university's current offering of courses in entrepreneurship. Our activities include seminars, workshops, and visits to entrepreneurial ventures. We enable students to meet and interact with entrepreneurs who can act as positive role models for those considering entrepreneurial careers. The speakers at our workshops and seminars have experience in new venture creation, venture capital and financing, consulting, intellectual property, marketing, and social and corporate entrepreneurship.

Education Programs

The Faculty of Business Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong provides the followin

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