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HKSEC 2021-22 Inauguration Ceremony

Event Date: Saturday, September 18, 2021 - 14:30 to 17:00

Time: 14:30 – 17:00

Language: Cantonese/English

Speaker: Dr. CHUNG Ka Ki Gary, CUHK Institute of Health Equity

Topic: Be Healthy, be fair

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HKSEC 2021-22 Inauguration Ceremony

Language: Cantonese/English

Speaker: Dr. CHUNG Ka Ki Gary, CUHK Institute of Health Equity

Topic: Be Healthy, be fair

Click here for e-Rundown.

HKSEC 2019-20 Award Ceremony

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the HKSEC 2019-20 Award Ceremony will be broadcast live on HKSEC's Facebook, and the award results will be announced. After the keen competition between the 8 Grand Final Teams, two winning teams are selected and will be offered Startup Awards of up to HK$75,000 per member, while members of the Runner-up Teams will receive up to HK$37,500 each to start their social enterprises. 

因應新型冠狀病毒疫情,HKSEC 頒獎典禮將於HKSEC Facebook 專頁以直播形式公佈本屆得獎結果。經過一番龍爭虎鬥,成功晉身總決賽的8支隊伍爭奪兩個冠軍席位及兩個亞軍席位。兩支冠軍隊伍和兩支亞軍隊伍的每位成員,分別可獲最高港幣$75,000和港幣$37,500的啟動獎金。

HKSEC 2019 - 20 Inauguration Ceremony

Keynote Speaker: Ms. Alyssa Berggren, Senior Manager of Strategic Planning and Community Engagement of New World Development and COO of G For Good
Topic: Reinject Purpose Into Business
Language: Cantonese/English

Click here fore e-Rundown


Youth 4.0 Kick-off Ceremony (HKSEC 2018-19 Inauguration)

Date: 11 September 2018 (Tue)
Time: 10:45 - 13:00
Venue: Citi Private Client Centre, 6/F, Wheelock House, 20 Pedder Street, Central (Next to Exit D1 of Central Station)
Theme: YOUTH 4.0
Language: Cantonese/English


HKSEC 2017 - 18 Inauguration Ceremony

Keynote Speaker: Matthew TAM, CEO, Social Career & Around
Topic: How I started my Social Career
Language: Cantonese/English


HKSEC 2014 Inauguration Ceremony cum Social Entrepreneur Talk

Transformation starts with you. Each person has a specific role in their own life. Simon Wong, JP, Executive Director of The LHGroup will share with us his personal story demonstrating how he transforms the society as a business leader of the catering industry. Kicking off the HKSEC, let's start to act and transform the world together.

Pre-Incubation Centre Opens

The CUHK Pre- Incubation Centre, or Pi Centre, was officially opened by Prof. Joseph Sung, CUHK Vice- Chancellor and Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro- Vice- Chancellor at a ceremony at Lady Ho Tung Hall on 19 September.


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